Councillor Joe Whibley - Exmouth Town Ward - EDDC
Keep Our Kids Safe
Exmouth Update - May 2024
How low can we go? LGBTQ+ History and Sunak’s Shameful Comments.
Parking in Exmouth - a roundup.
The Exmouth Gateway Consultation Part 2 - Please have your say. But not on the underpass…..
Listen to People Before Closing Rail Ticket Offices
Jewson, Retirement Flats, Planning and Ageism….
I understand the apathy but your vote IS important!
Election Time - make sure you know what's true and what isn't... And who's to blame for what.
The Pavilion is not being knocked down or moved!
Councillor Joe Whibley - Help with the Cost of Living
The Future of Exmouth Police Station 🚔
Exmouth welcomes refugees - My thoughts.
Social Media and The Monster that Controls Us
Pride - why we still need it and those who disagree.
Safeguarding: What does it do and what does EDDC need to learn?
The Real King of Watersports in Exmouth?
Car Parks in Exmouth - it’s not all bad news…
Exmouth: What happened to the Levelling Up Fund bid? | Opinion
Updates on all things Exmouth.